This is an interesting read. I've been thinking a lot about my hobbies recently and what kind of energy I bring into them. As a kid, I enjoyed a lot of hobbies by myself but I've noticed that as I grow older, I tend to share a lot more of what I'm doing with others.

I don't mind - the internet is a beautiful place to connect with and uplift each other! Still, discernment is very important and this post reminded me of that. I'm learning to be more intentional with my time, energy and creativity and I know my hobbies will thank me more for it too :)

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i love sharing my hobbies with friends! i often swim in groups and i ride with my best friend in town on the weekends. but exactly what you said, being discerning is important and even if i had no one to do these hobbies with, i'd still be doing them. which brings me a lot of joy to know too <3

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Exactly! I've always wanted to learn horseback riding too - one day :)

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if you're ever in the uk we can ride together lol

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